Home All Recipes Sweet and simple, Amish cinnamon bread

Sweet and simple, Amish cinnamon bread

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This incredible no-knead bread requires only flour, vanilla essence, and a few other simple, readily available ingredients, but it tastes like heaven. This tasty dish can be served for either breakfast or dessert, and it works wonderfully both ways.

If you need a sweet treat and you happen to have all the ingredients on hand, this Amish Cinnamon Bread recipe is for you. Incredibly simple instructions make this recipe appropriate for bakers of all skill levels.

This Amish cinnamon bread is a quick bread, so there’s no need to use yeast or knead the dough before baking. A bowl (or two) is used to mix all the ingredients before they are transferred to the baking dishes.

Since it is as easy as it seems, it often is misunderstood as such. In addition, you’ll get TWO loaves from this recipe; plenty to share with a big family! The longest part will be waiting for the bread to cool enough to consume.

Amish cinnamon bread is a versatile recipe that may be used for either breakfast or dessert.


Amish Friendship Bread is a holiday staple, and this recipe is just in time for the season. As the saying goes, “it just keeps on giving.”

They’ll think you’re awesome. Don’t doubt me.

Actually, what I should have stated is, “Your buddies will adore it until they don’t anymore and then run away from you because they don’t want any more starting.”

I guess I’m not really convincing you to try this dish. Let’s begin again.

Does anyone know what Amish Friendship Bread is? When I queried Facebook, the source of all knowledge, I was surprised to learn that many people are still in the dark.

REALLY? A question: where were you in the 1980s? Not where I was, in Burlingame, California. In 1989, EVERYONE kept a tin of starter on their kitchen counter. Leg warmers, ratted hair, and tending a yeasted starter for 10 days on the kitchen counter were all in style back then.

The best way to describe Amish Friendship Bread is as a food version of a chain letter. While I do not accept bread, I do not delete chain letters or “share if you agree” Facebook updates. This bread in particular. The finest bread ever. Really. For what seems like an eternity, I subsisted on it during my middle school years. It suddenly disappeared one day and hasn’t been seen since.

So, let’s get down to brass tacks: what exactly is it? To put it simply, this is a sourdough starter bread that can be prepared in a relatively short amount of time. After nurturing the starter for 10 days on your kitchen counter with regular stirring, feeding, and loving attention, you will be rewarded with the best bread ever.

Since it’s so sociable, you and your pals may each take home half a cup of the starting while you keep the other half thriving on your kitchen counter.

You repeat the process 10 days later. Repeat forever until the end of time.

Another option is to give it all away after 10 days.

or put it in the freezer for the next time you’re hungry.

Yes, that’s exactly what transpired with me. I found myself craving Amish Friendship Bread out of the blue. It had been 25 years since I’d last had it, but just last month I was craving a piece like it had been my final meal on Earth. Problem is, she doesn’t have a starter to make bread with.




Those Who Bring the Bread:

1 cup (2 sticks) (2 sticks) Ripped and melted butter for the challenge
1 cup of butter 1 cup of flour 1 cup of granulated sugar 2 big eggs
Vanilla extract, 2 tablespoons
Two cups of buttermilk
(4 cups) all-purpose flour
Two Tablespoons of Baking Soda

When it comes to the topping:

Amount: a couple of mugs’ worth of granulated sugar
The equivalent of 2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon




First, set an oven temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit and prepare two greased loaf pans.

The second step is to use a handheld mixer to thoroughly combine the butter, sugar, eggs, and vanilla in a small bowl. Stir in the flour, baking soda, and buttermilk using a rubber spatula until everything is well distributed.

Third, in a separate bowl, mix together the sugar and cinnamon for the topping. Then, equally distribute three-quarters of the cinnamon-sugar mixture over the batter in both pans, which you will have divided in half. You should also sprinkle the remaining cinnamon-sugar evenly over the top of both loaves and spread the remaining batter over the top of both pans. After that, make a couple of curl marks in the batter of each pans with a knife.

A toothpick inserted close to the middle should come out clean after 45 minutes of baking in Step 4. The bread has to cool for about 20 minutes before it can be transferred to the wire racks.




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