Home All Recipes Simple Pickled Beets

Simple Pickled Beets

by admin



Pickled beets are an easy-to-make, tangy and sweet vegetable dish that goes great on salads, sandwiches, and more. Beets are given a unique flavor and texture when pickled in a combination of vinegar, sugar, and spices.

You can make your own pickled beets with just a few simple ingredients: raw beets, vinegar, sugar, water, salt, and spices like cinnamon, cloves, and allspice. Then, prepare the beets by washing, peeling, and chopping them into small pieces. Spices, salt, sugar, water, and vinegar are brought to a boil in a pot. Beets should be added to the boiling soup and cooked for a few minutes until they are soft.

Take the beets off the stove once they’re done cooking and allow them cool in the sauce. Beets and pickling liquid should be stored in the refrigerator for at least a day before being served.

You can do a lot of different things with pickled beets. They are versatile enough to be served as a side, stuffed into a sandwich or wrap, or piled atop a burger or hot dog. They provide both flavor and color to your salad and are a terrific complement to any meal. Pickled beets are a delicious and nutritious side dish, thanks to their sour and sweet taste.


Beets, roughly 6-8 in size
1 quart of plain vinegar
1/4 liter water
One cinnamon stick, half a cup of sugar, and a pinch of salt
1 whole clove in a teaspoon
Allspice, whole, one teaspoon


Peel and clean the beets. Reduce them to manageable sizes.

Allspice, cloves, cinnamon, water, sugar, and vinegar should be brought to a boil in a pot.

Beets should be added to the boiling soup and cooked for a few minutes until they are soft.

Take the beets off the stove once they’re done cooking and allow them cool in the sauce.

Beets and pickling liquid should be stored in the refrigerator for at least a day before being served

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